API Reference

Webhook Object

Webhooks allows us to communicate companies about different events.

    "id": "259c5334-b770-4487-871c-60c194b57307",
    "events": [
    "name": "Webhook transacción aceptada",
    "url": "https://example.com/accpted_transaction"

Allowed events

The following events are available.

Event nameDescription
accepted_transactionThis event will be triggered when a payment attempt is successful
rejected_transactionThis event will be triggered when a payment attempt fails
subscription_buyer_in_debtThis event will be triggered when a SubscriptionBuyer changes it's status to indebt
payment_plan_in_debtThis event will be triggered when a PaymentPlan changes it's status to in_debt
transfer_to_sellerThis event will be triggered when Zafepay transfers money to the seller
payment_plan_ap_enrollmentThis event will be triggered each time a buyer enroll an automatic payment method on a payment plan
subscription_buyer_ap_enrollmentThis event will be triggered each time a buyer enroll an automatic payment method on a subscription buyer


The attributes available for a Webhook object are:

idstringWebhook unique identifier.
namestringName of the webhook.
urlstringURL to which the webhook will make the request.
eventsarray of stringsEvents to which the webhook is subscribed.