API Reference

Single Paymet Buyer object

A Single Payment Buyer object is an instance to store a buyer's registration to a Single Payment. To create a Single Payment Buyer you need the id of the Single Payment and the id of the Buyer you want to inscribe to. A Single Payment Buyer has only one installment because is an one-time payment service.

A Single Payment Buyer has 5 possible statuses: pending, active, indebt, canceled and finished. And his installments have 4 possible statuses: pending, paid, expired, refunded and processing_payment.

    "single_payment_buyer": {
        "single_payment_id": "47faac94-0c65-49fa-9bb0-34b479ea3694",
        "buyer_id": "27f4cfcc-8283-4ad2-81ea-b4de118aca1f",
        "external_id": "sp001",
        "extra_fields": {
            "Age": "26"


The attributes available for a Single Payment Buyer object are:

idstringSingle Payment unique identifier.false
product_idstringId of the Product to create the Single Payment.true
buyer_idstringId of the Buyer to be subscribed to the Single Payment.true
external_idstringAn external id to identify the Single Payment.false
extra_fieldsjsonThe extra fields answers for the Product extra fields.false