API Reference

Subscription Buyer object

A Subscription Buyer object is an instance to store a buyer's registration to a Subscription. To create a Subscription Buyer, you need the id of the Subscription and the id of the Buyer you want to inscribe to. A Subscription Buyer will automatically create the installments according to the recurrence of the Subscription and its value.

A Subscription Buyer has 5 possible statuses: pending, active, indebt, canceled and finished. And its installments have 4 possible statuses: pending, paid, expired, refunded and processing_payment.

    "subscription_buyer": {
        "subscription_id": "a3a50c65-0dbc-4fd9-9735-b3c36feb37ea",
        "buyer_id": "0d27afe0-7a02-41e1-9494-a955c21c0a3a",
        "external_id": "subs1",
        "extra_fields": {
            "Country": "Chile",
            "Gender": "Male"


The attributes available for a Subscription Buyer object are:

idstringSubscription Buyer unique identifier.false
subscription_idstringId of the Subscription to inscribe.true
buyer_idstringId of the Buyer to be inscribed.true
external_idstringAn external id to identify the Subscription Buyer.false
extra_fieldsjsonThe extra fields answers for the Subscription extra fields.false